Torn apart by the political differences set by the Cuban Revolution in 1959, Cuban-American families have, for decades, coped with distance and longing. A new measure set by the George W. Bush administration stirs up the emotions as it restricts trips of Miami Cuban residents from once a year to once every three years, plus new rules to control the money sent to the island. Leading the protest movement is Sergeant Carlos Lazo, a hero of the war in Iraq.
C: Lisandro Perez-Rey | Ca: Lisandro Perez-Rey | SM: Joe Pazos | S: stereo | E: Lisandro Perez-Rey | M: Carlos Lazo, Joe Pazos | SE: Joe Pazos | P: Cynthia barrera | PC: Gato Films Inc |
Cynthia Barrera
S: Script - A: Animation - C: Cinematographer - Ca: Camera - SM: Sound Mixer - S: Sound - E: Editing - M: Music - SE: Sound Editor - P: Producer - EP: Executive Producer - PC: Production Company