The portrait of a multiethnic Germany, with persistent problems of integration emerges from this profile of residents of large popular housing projects in Neuperlach, a big city in the outskirts of Munich. Many are immigrants from several different origins for whom life in a new country means a kind of progress whose cost bears negative aspects.
C: Thomas Doberitzsch | Ca: Thomas Doberitzsch | SM: Gerhard Auer | S: mono | E: Nancy Brandt | SE: Gerhard Auer | P: Natalie Lambsdorff | EP: Maren Knieling | PC: HFF München (Munich Academy for Television and Film) |
Tina Janker
S: Script - A: Animation - C: Cinematographer - Ca: Camera - SM: Sound Mixer - S: Sound - E: Editing - M: Music - SE: Sound Editor - P: Producer - EP: Executive Producer - PC: Production Company