Typical from the Brazilian Northeast, the cashew tree is portrayed here from several different points of view. Not only the economic side of trading its fruits is mentioned, but also its importance as adornment, as shade provider, as artistic inspiration, as we follow its transformation and cycles throughout the four seasons.
S: Linduarte Noronha | C: Rucker Vieira | E: Rucker Vieira | M: Augusto Simões (arranjo e regência), Coral Villa-Lobos (intérprete),Cantadores de Côco do Porto de Cabedelo - PB, Tupinambás de Mandacaru, João Pessoa - PB. | SE: Manuel Cardoso | PC: INCE - Instituto Nacional de Cinema Educativo; Aruanda Filmes Ltda.; Instituto Joaquim Nabuco de Pesquisas Sociais |
S: Script - A: Animation - C: Cinematographer - Ca: Camera - SM: Sound Mixer - S: Sound - E: Editing - M: Music - SE: Sound Editor - P: Producer - EP: Executive Producer - PC: Production Company