O Salário da Morte
(Hommage: Linduarte Noronha)

Hommage: Linduarte Noronha

Linduarte Noronha

Brasil - PB / Brazil - PB

70', p&b, 35mm, 1970

Dialogues: Português / Portuguese

Subtitles: Sem Legendas / No Subtitles

  • CCBB (SÃO PAULO - SP) - 23/03 - 19h30
  • CCBB (SÃO PAULO - SP) - 24/03 - 15h30
  • ODEON BR (RJ) - 29/03 - 15h30

In Pombal, a town nestled in the Northeastern bush land, a political leader is murdered by a hitman. Protected by important people, the murderer hides in the home of a humble family who is forced to give him shelter. A little later, the hitman leaves the hideaway and soon gets killed. The family who hid him is also exterminated and so is the judge, who had come from another town to lead the inquest on the political leader’s murder.

S: Linduarte Noronha, Jurandyr Moura | C: Manuel Clemente | E: João Ramiro Mello | M: Pedro Santos | SE: Aloysio Vianna, Walter de Oliveira, Antonio César, Geraldo José | P: José Bezerra Filho, Waldemar José Solha | PC: Cactus Produções Cinematográficas Ltda. | 

S: Script - A: Animation - C: Cinematographer - Ca: Camera - SM: Sound Mixer - S: Sound - E: Editing - M: Music - SE: Sound Editor - P: Producer - EP: Executive Producer - PC: Production Company

November 25, 2024