In the early 1970s, a group of young filmmakers banded together to form a film collective called Cine Manifest. Judy Irola was the only female member. More than 30 years later, they meet again in San Francisco. Most still held some of the same political beliefs, but the filmmakers found that they had traded some of their idealism for real-life experience.
C: Judy Irola | Ca: Judy Irola | E: Nels Bangerter | M: David Schickele | SE: Midge Costin, Melanie McGraw | P: Judy Irola, Nels Bangerter |
Judy Irola
S: Script - A: Animation - C: Cinematographer - Ca: Camera - SM: Sound Mixer - S: Sound - E: Editing - M: Music - SE: Sound Editor - P: Producer - EP: Executive Producer - PC: Production Company