In Schools

THE PROJECT IT'S ALL TRUE IN SCHOOLS is a partnership of the festival with Riofilme, aiming to introduce the Brazilian documentary into the dayto- day of public school students in Rio de Janeiro. Reaching its third edition, this year the project highlights Riofilme's twentieth anniversary through the selection of three standout documentaries co-produced by the institution.

"Passaporte Húngaro" (2003) by Sandra Kogut, starts with the request of a document to discuss questions of identity and nationality. "Fala Tu" (2004) by Guilherme Coelho portrays the day-to-day and the dreams of three young people in Zona Norte united by their love for rap: Combatente, Macarrão and Togum. In "Cartola" (2007), Lírio Ferreira and Hilton Lacerda invite us to navigate the life and work of one of the great names of samba from Rio de Janeiro.


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