Jury - Brazilian Competition
Awards | Brazilian Jury | International Jury
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A psychoanalyst, Chnaiderman
is linked to the Psychoanalysis
Department of Sedes Sapientiae,
with a PhD in Art from
the School of Communication
and Arts of USP. A documentary
filmmaker, she directed the shorts “Dizem que sou louco”
(1994) and “Passeios no Recanto
Silvestre” (2006) about
the writer, playwright and filmmaker
José Agrippino de Paula,
author of the book “Panamérica.”
She just released the documentary feature “Sobreviventes”,
co-directed by Reinaldo
Siqueira is a documentary filmmaker
from Minas Gerais and
based in São Paulo. In 2003
he produced and co-directed
the feature “Aqui Favela, o Rap Representa.” He is director
and producer of the documentary
“Terra Deu, Terra Come”, winner of It’s All True Festival
2010 and also awarded
in several other festivals like
Dok Leipzig, Forumdoc BH and Gramado, among others. Currently,
he is involved as producer
and director of two other
documentary features.
Viana is a producer and filmmaker
from Ceará based in
Rio de Janeiro. A trained engineer, he chose cinema when he founded the production company
Mapa Filmes with Glauber
Rocha. He produced several
of Glauber’s films, like “Terra em Transe” and “O Dragão da Maldade contra o Santo Guerreiro.”
He also directed ficcion
films like “Os Condenados”and
“Avaeté – Sementes da Vingança”
and also documentaries
as “Terra de Índio”.